You can monitor inventory and staff inside the organization with RFID technology…
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technologies identify objects with the help of radio frequency. RFID is a technology operated with radio frequencies which allow monitoring the movements of an object carrying a label equipped with a microprocessor with the identity structure in this label. It is a control system used on entries, exits or any other important locations (hospital, workplaces, factories, hotels etc.) to control movements of staff and inventories.
Person and material identifier RFID systems can clearly identify the location of an object through receivers. It determines where the staff is located and where and how much time he/she spends. It can also be used to locate patients and intervene in cases of falls at hospital practice. The location monitoring system records all entry/exit movements in the computing environment. It reports who or which devices enters/exits at/from which door to the authorized user. Controlling and organizing masses of fixed assets require a serious effort for large corporations. It is a very important contribution to know where vehicles-tools are located at any time and to monitor displacements between departments for an efficient work environment. AKGUN UHF RFID technology makes contribution to this purpose. UHF RFID technology uses multiple reading and remote reading methods and does not require optical vision.
Problems With Monitoring Fixed Assets
  •  Counting of inventory takes very long time even in presence of a barcode system.
  •  Problems can occur while locating a displaced fixed asset.
  •  It can be very hard or impossible to locate a missing fixed asset.
  •  Problems with debit process.
  •  Lack of control and security gaps due to inability to hold continuous records for entry/
  • exit of personnel and fixed assets
  •  Lack of monitoring due to inability to take automatic records when the fixed asset is moved from the room or the unit. 
What We Offer For You
  •  Recording all fixed assets in the project would facilitate counting.
  •  Human made errors will be minimized and it will be easier to prevent and identify.
  •  A fixed asset database to be updated rapidly will facilitate access to accurate and consistent information.
  •  Time necessary to reach a material will be shorter.
  •  Debit information updates will prevent human made errors and procedure induced loss and complications in debit process.
  •  It will be possible to get daily, monthly and annual reports very rapidly with high accuracy.
  •  UHF RFID fixed asset monitoring system will create a database detailed enough to carry information with regard to which device was moved at which time and date to where for how long. This database will facilitate planning work flows and create detailed reports to provide information which has not been disclosed yet.
Why Location Control System?
  •  Fast access to devices,
  •  Inspecting and recording commute time of employees,
  •  Preventing labor force loss and increasing efficiency,
  •  Technological facility,
  •  Easy use,
  •  Full security,
  •  Central management and monitoring,
  •  Reducing internal and external robbery.
Areas of Use: All public and private organizations, firms, factories, workplaces, offices, warehouses, special sections, elevators, sites, plazas, hotels etc. Operating principle: The operation principle of the system is based on a simple foundation. The location monitoring system identifies personnel with RFID tags/cards of the device. RFID receivers are placed in the building. When the concerned object enters in/exits from RFID receivers, location is determined. Fixed Asset Monitoring is made through RFID reading handheld terminals.