AKGUN Personnel Attendance Control System is a web-based online system used to track personnel attendances, arrivals, exist, vacations, sick-days and absences. The system Analyzes attendance records and generates various reports needed by Human Resources department and division or department managers. AKGUN Personnel Attendance Control System aims at controlling attendance by personnel and increase control of workplace efficiency. AKGUN Personnel Attendance Control System is designed to fit the user requirements of many private or public organizations and companies. The system can be integrated with the related organization ERP system by using web services. AKGUN Personnel Attendance Control System can operate integrated with AKGUN Hospital Information System (HIS) AKGUN Personnel Attendance Control System is a unique system which provides an efficient visuality and a user friendly interface that operates on authorization basis and monitors all entries and exits by the personnel throughout the day.
Product Features
  •  Users can access the system online and by using the internet no local installation is needed.
  •  Each administrator can monitor his/her own personnel
  •  Black-list employee check. HR can black list or inactivate any employee if there is a need.
  •  The system is flexible by enabling users to easily configure multiple shifts
  •  The system provides many ad hoc reports with graphical presentation of data.
  •  The system enable using Anti-passback where the system will not allow any card from being used twice such as enabling to access to a door without existing a monitored door. (no entry without exit)
  •  Easy to install and set the system ready to use.
Advantages of AKGÜN Personnel Attendance Control System (AKGÜN PACS): One of the most important features of AKGÜN PACS software is that it can easily adapt to companies with different and complicated working conditions (shift, post, job definitions etc.). The system enables exporting the data in screens to excel with a single button. The system is open to design new reports as requested by the organization administration. The system enables Automatic e-mails can be sent to defined addresses at defined times. Data collection for analysis can be set in accordance with the organization needs. Therefore the system provides rapidly an up-to-date tally sheet. Provides a rich reporting menu. It can also develop additional reports upon request by the organization.
Reports generated by the application:  
  1. Absence Report
  2. Early Leave Report
  3. Late Report
  4. Off Duty Personnel Report
  5. Personnel Shift Movements
  6. Company/department based personnel list
  7. Overtime Report
  8. Daily Tally Report
  9. Monthly Tally Report
  10. Manual Entry-Exit Report
  11. Monthly Entry-Exit Report
  12. Daily Detailed Tally Report
  13. Present Personnel Report
  14. Present and Absent Report